Update on the Sierpinski Tetrahedron

Four together create the next stageAt the beginning of the month, the Children’s Room announced they would be building a large Sierpinski Tetrahedron (read more) throughout February.

Now that we’re down to the last week of the month, final assembly has begun. And it’s huge.

Support for the project has come from kids, adults and staff, and volunteers are gluing together stage 1 and 2 tetrahedrons into stage 3 and 4 tetrahedrons (see an illustration of stages 0 through 3). And finally on Thursday (2/21), a stage 5 tetrahedron was assembled – that’s 1,024 individual tetrahedrons!

It stands well over three feet high, and takes up two tabletops. Additional assembly work is being done in the McCarthy Meeting Room and the Library’s lobby, where the stage 5 is on display.

Stop by the library to see the progress and assemble a few of your own tetrahedrons, and see more of the tetrahedron photographs on our flickr account.

childrens, crafts, math, paper, programs, pyramid, pyramids, sierpinski, tetrahedron, tetrahedrons