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Technology is constantly changing and improving to meet our needs, but it can be hard to keep up. 

The Reference Desk is always open to patrons looking for some basic tech assistance and instruction. We also have programs to help get our patrons feeling confident about using their technology through our Technology Works programs and One-on-One appointments. 

Tech Training

Presentations on a different tech topic each month at the Chelmsford Senior Center. Topics vary from instructive (how to get e-books on your mobile device), explaining a tech trend (what AI is all about), or general tech information (the basics of computer lingo). Check out our calendar for upcoming tech programs. 

Our reference staff works with patrons individually to help with specific problems (library resource and device navigation, troubleshooting unusual errors) or for more general topics (Windows shortcuts & tips, basic introduction to the internet). Appointments are made for a single issue or topic for up to one hour. We will work with you to accomplish as much as we can together and we can make a follow-up appointment with you if needed. 

Use the form below or call 978-256-5521 ext. 1211 to make an appointment. 



Online Tutorials: The Basics

  • Chelmsford Library's Technology Learning – Short tutorials on technology basics, such as instruction on computer applications like excel and popular social media apps like Instagram and Facebook. 
  • Digital Learn - Get help with the basics for your computer, smartphone, or other device in under an hour for each topic.
  • GCFGlobal - Simple and visual tutorials on everything from email to typing to internet safety.

Online Tutorials: More Advanced Topics

Helpful Resources

Contact Us!

If you need help with tech questions, our Reference Staff can help! We offer both Tech Training sessions each month, and One-on-One appointments at your convenience. Call us at 978-256-5521 x1211 for details.

Tech Tip: You can increase text size on most websites very easily. On the keyboard…

Hold DownPressWhat Happens
Ctrl+Makes text bigger
CtrlMakes text smaller
Ctrl0Restores text to default size
Note: Pressing + more than once will continue to make text bigger
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