Our Catalog is Now Mobile-Friendly!

Our Evergreen catalog underwent a software update this weekend. Most of the changes were fixes to staff functionality, but one change that should benefit patrons is a new mobile-friendly design.

The new catalog is implements “responsive design” coding. This means that the website “responds” to the size of the screen on which it is being viewed. For instance, if you’re browsing our catalog on a big desktop computer monitor, it should look just like it used to.

However, if you’re using your mobile phone to browse the catalog, it will detect you’re using a device with a small screen, and change the layout to fit better. A mobile device version of the catalog will look like this:

mobile catalog

You can try it for yourself, even without a mobile device. Just visit our catalog and then slowly shrink the size of your web browser window. You’ll see the catalog reconfigure itself to fit different size screens.

All of the functionality of the full catalog should still be available in the different sizes, although buttons and information may be in different places. If you have any questions about the catalog, please contact the Reference Desk.