Introducing Book Spots!

We are excited to introduce our latest book sharing venture – Book Spots!

As you might imagine, as librarians, we like to talk about books!  You may have seen us on our Chelmsford Telemedia show, Bookmarked!, or you may have joined us for Book Brunch a time or two.  Sometimes, however, we read a book that we want to tell you about right now.  Book Spots! is a series of short (seriously – less than 90 seconds!) video reviews, where we tell you about new books, hidden gems from the stacks, our favorite authors, and more.


Click HERE to watch our first Book Spots! episodes posted this week. Jess tells you about The Final Revival of Opal and Nev by Dawnie Walton and What’s Mine and Yours by Naima Coster.  Deanna talks about Northern Spy by Flynn Berry and The Conductors by Nicole Glover.

We hope you enjoy Book Spots!  And don’t forget to sign up for the next Book Brunch on Wednesday May 12th at 10:30 AM EST.