Books for preschoolers on Monday, October 20

Of course I read books about pumpkins at this time of year.  As we get closer to Halloween, though, I try to mix in a few scary books.  This week the scary book is Wolves by Emily Gravett.  “The author would like to point out that no rabbits were eaten during the making of this book.”, but it may scare sensitive readers, and so there is an alternative ending that has everyone living happily ever after.  We balanced that book with a silly one, Monkey and Me, by Emily Gravett.  Our pumpkin book was The Bumpy Little Pumpkin by Margery Cuyler.  The final book this week was Lemons are Not Red by Laura Vaccaro Seeger.  I try to read several books by Gravett and Seeger in storytimes, because those authors are not as well known as they deserve to be.

Image of item   Why is there a rabbit on the cover if the story is about wolves?  Image of item  This is a silly book that is not scary at all.

Image of item    Image of item
