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Virtual Decluttering Workshops every month in 2024 with Jamie Novak Teaser image

Virtual Decluttering Workshops every month in 2024 with Jamie Novak

March 5, 2024 Events, Programs Library Staff
If you haven't check out one of these programs on getting organized, you should mark your calendars now!  Jamie gets you moving around your space and getting rid of things you might not have thought you didn't need!  Even if you don't, it's a mental decluttering as well.  See below for the upcoming programs each month through the end of 2024!  We host our declutter workshops the first Thursday of each month on zoom at 7pm.  If you register and miss it, we'll send you the recording to view at another time!  

March 7th, 2024 at 7pm:  File, Pile, Sort, Shred!

          If your tabletops are covered with stacks of paper and your filing cabinets are overflowing, then you won’t want to miss this virtual program. Join author and organizer Jamie Novak for this one-hour event when she’ll show you which papers to keep, for how long, and ways to file them once and for all! Plus, she'll share what you can shred, regret-free. You’ll make your own retention schedule for future reference and organize papers with her during the program.

Register here:

April 4th, 2024 at 7pm: How to Organize Your Life into 1 Notebook

          Go from scattered to successful this year - with a single notebook! Join us online when organizer and author of Keep This Toss That shows you how to organize your life with a single notebook! You’ll be able to keep track of everything you need to get done, and more. Remember things, get organized, prioritize tasks, and stop misplacing important information.

Register here:

May 2nd, 2024 at 7pm: Digital Decluttering: organize and free up storage space

          Wondering how to easily delete all those emails? Tired of the “running out of space” messages on your phone? Log on and learn how to declutter your devices with best-selling author and organizing humorist Jamie Novak. During this virtual program she’ll guide you through a live tidy up and share the one thing you need to delete from your phone today.

Register here:

June 6th, 2024 at 7pm: The Great Storage Clean Out

          We all have THAT space, a closet, basement, garage, attic, or storage unit overflowing with stuff. If you are ready to sort it out (without getting overwhelmed) log on when author and organizer Jamie Novak shares her simple plan. Learn where to begin, what to do first, what to do with the things, and how to stay motivated. Plus, she’ll reveal the secret to maximizing storage space and how to find things, once they are stored.

Register here:

July 11th, 2024 at 7pm: Tiny Summer Tidy Ups

          Tidy up quickly with plenty of time left for summer fun. Join bestselling author and expert organizer Jamie Novak when she reveals the tiny tidy up tasks that make a big difference. You’ll be guided through a live tidy up session and by the end of the program you’ll have a plan to enjoy the summer, clutter-free!

Register here:

August 1st, 2024 at 7pm: Treasure in the Attic: what to do with sentimental stuff my kids don't want

          Did the kids tell you they don't want your candlesticks? Are you attached to your treasures, collections, and sentimental items? If so, this virtual program is for you! During this online program organizing humorist and author of Keep This Toss That, Jamie Novak reveals her method for decluttering sentimental items. By the end of this laugh-out-loud funny program you'll have a plan for how to keep the memories without keeping all the stuff.

Register here:

September 5th, 2024 at 7pm: Tidy Your Kitchen and Bathrooms Fast

          Let's sort out the two most used rooms of your home, easily! Join author and organizing humorist Jamie Novak online, when she shares simple steps to declutter the bathroom and the kitchen. Learn how to make this overwhelming task a lot easier with her easy ideas and get started live during the program with a mini guided tidy-up.

Register here:

October 3rd, 2024 at 7pm: 3 Steps to Sort Your Photos

          If you have too many photographs to sort, this virtual program is for you! During this online program author and organizer Jamie Novak reveals the three steps you can take today to make sense of your boxes of memories. She'll guide you through a LIVE mini de-cluttering session and by the end of the program you'll be prepared to successfully tackle your photo sorting project!

Register here:

November 7th, 2024 at 7pm: Clean Your Clothes Closet by the Weekend: sort, share, sell, store

          Can't walk in your walk-in closet? Do you dread sorting your clothes? Log on and learn the 5 steps to organize any closet with expert organizer and author Jamie Novak. She’ll share her insider tips and the things every closet needs to stay clutter free. Plus, you'll tidy live with her and learn what a capsule wardrobe is and why you may want one.

Register here:

December 5th, 2024 at 7pm: What to Tidy When Company is On the Way

          Company on the way? Just want to get organized but you don't have a lot of time? Log on with expert organizer and author of Keep This, Toss That, when she shares what to focus on - and what you can leave for later. Learn what company notices first about your home. And see how to make the most of your efforts. Plus, during the program, you'll be guided through a tiny task.

Register here:

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