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Town of Chelmsford Land Acknowledgement
On March 14, 2022, the Chelmsford Select Board signed a Land Acknowledgement Proclamation which was drafted by a subcommittee of the Town’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, library staff, and Select Board member, Pat Wojtas. This important first step seeks to recognize the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this land and honor the Indigenous peoples that are still connected to this land now known as Chelmsford.
Town of Chelmsford Land Acknowledgement
The Town of Chelmsford acknowledges that its land, upon which the government buildings, town common, and libraries are situated, is the traditional and ancestral territory of many diverse Indigenous Nations and we strive to honor these peoples.
We acknowledge the history of genocide and forced removal from this land, now known as Chelmsford, and we honor the Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we live, work, and learn. This area comprises, in part, the homelands of the Pawtucket-Pennacook–Abenaki, and their close neighbors the Massachusett and Nipmuc peoples.
The Town of Chelmsford extends our deepest respect to citizens of these Nations who live here and elsewhere today and to their ancestors who have lived here for generations.
Click here for more information on the Land Acknowledgement.
Click here to learn more about local Indigenous Nations.
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