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Spotlight: Social Justice Book Group

Here at CPL, we have a wide variety of book groups, many of which are using the "hybrid" meeting model - meaning that you can come to the main branch to meet in person, or you can zoom in from the comfort of your own home.  All of our groups are happy to welcome new members at any time - drop in when you can or come every month, it is up to you!  Over the next few months, we will spotlight each of our groups - first up is the Social Justice Book Group. Are you interested in engaging in conversations about how we as a community can move towards a more socially just future? Well then the Social Justice Book Group may be the book group for you! The books we read address civic engagement and cover themes of identity, equality, justice, the environment, and much more.  We meet at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of every month for lively conversation about our book picks, a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles that cover these subjects.  See our 2021-2022 reading list below. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 17, where we will be discussing Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century edited by Alice Wong.  You can register for the meeting HERE.  We hope to see you there!
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