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A New Year = A New Book Group

January 16, 2024 Book Groups Library Staff
Let's Talk Books with Jill and Julie is new!  Once a month, we will be hosting a new book group - where everyone shares what they are reading in the same theme. Julie and I are the Reader's Advisory department at the library and we are bringing book suggestions to you on multiple platforms. In the library, we provide reader's advice at the desk and with displays, bookmarks, flyers and blog posts.  Online we share our recommendations on social media, and through our upcoming TV show. Instead of all reading the same book and then meeting to talk about that one book, this is a group where everyone reads different books within the same theme.  The best part about this, is that everyone will leave with a list of recommended books by the group and talk about books! Our book group is following the Massachusetts Center for the Book 2024 Reading Challenge themes.  The challenge offers options beyond just meeting at the library to discuss the book you chose in that theme.  How the reading challenge works for the masses, is to read a book in the theme, go to the website: and fill out a short form to share your thoughts on the book.  The Mass Center for the Book will host a year-end party to celebrate the participants who committed to the challenge as well as be entered in a drawing to win some totes filled with books and goodies. We will be meeting the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in the McCarthy meeting room - in-person or on zoom (HYBRID) to hear about what every is reading in the same theme.  We hope you will join us! January, 31st : A book you read years ago that you may feel different about now -register here: February, 28th: A book with a color in the title - register here: March, 27th: A book whose protagonist has a different culture or lifestyle from you- register here: April 24th: A book about nature, the environment, or climate change- register here: May 29th: A graphic novel- register here: June 26th: A book that inspired a film or television series - register here: July 31st: A book by an author born outside of the United States- register here: August 28th: A book whose title starts with the same letter as your birthday month- register here: September 25th: A debut book by a Massachusetts author- register here: October 30th: A book about a time in history you'd like to know more about - register here: November 20th: A relaxing, soul-soothing book- register here: December 18th: A well-reviewed book in your least favorite genre- register here: Check out our calendar online, or pick up a paper copy by month in the main lobby:
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