Please see the Chelmsford Friends of the Library website for more information.
Our Friends group comprises members of all ages, including residents and non-residents, who contribute their time and energy to enhancing CPL's programs and services. Their support makes possible programs for adults and children, as well as museum passes, technology, and furniture for both the Anna C. MacKay Branch and the Main Library.
Join the Friends or Renew Your Membership
Non-Chelmsford residents can also join and gain access to the library’s museum passes.
Joining the Friends of the Library is easy. Simply click on the “Join now” link below or print out a Friends application form [pdf], complete it, and return it with your donation to:
Friends of the Library
Chelmsford Public Library
25 Boston Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Friends of the Library Updates
The Friends of the Library Book Sale is a significant source of funding for library programming, museum passes, and many extras for Chelmsford patrons. The community’s support through donations and volunteer hours is greatly appreciated. (Don’t forget that you can always find more books for sale on the carts across from the main desk!)
Upcoming Book Sale
Members only sale will be held Thursday, April 10, time TBA
Friday, April 11, 9:00 am to 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 12, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
at the Town Office’s Gym, 50 Billerica Rd
We’ll have plenty of fiction, children’s books, biography, history, cookbooks, sciences, social sciences, and DVDs! $2 for adult books, $1 for kids books. All proceeds help support library programs and services!
Want to Help?
Volunteers are needed! May require some lifting and a lot of activity as we move books around and get boxes in and out of cars. Contact the friends at: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Each year, the Friends of the Library sponsor a scholarship to be awarded to a high school graduating senior(s) who is a resident of Chelmsford, will be attending a 2- or 4-year college or university full-time in the fall, and has had an ongoing relationship with a library/libraries or has volunteered and/or worked for a library.
Please see the Friends website for more details.