Legacy.com Obituary Search

Legacy.com is a well-respected source for online obituaries. Although some of the services they provide require payment, their obituary search is free and searches obituaries from across the country back to 2001. Local significant newspapers include the Chelmsford Independent, Lowell Sun, and Boston Globe.

Chelmsford Newspaper Obituary Index

Search for obituaries that have appeared in the Chelmsford Newsweekly (1940-1993) and the Chelmsford Independent (1986-present): [gdoc key=”1MI3nP6TXIFNuGh9KkGPl425Zjv57zC5TY8k6S90wyjs”]

Research It

Library staff are here to help! Ask us for assistance with your research, finding something to read, how to use library resources – anything! If you are requesting an obituary from our Chelmsford Newspaper Obituary Index [pdf], please be sure to include the newspaper name, date, and page number,