Genealogy & Obituaries

Featured Online Resources   Local History Room Main Library, Lower Level The Local History Room holds a valuable collection of books and other documents about the history of the Chelmsford area and people. A shelf listing of these materials is available through our catalog. These materials do not circulate, but library visitors may access the … Continue reading Genealogy & Obituaries

Library History

The original portion of the existing Chelmsford Library in Chelmsford Center was built in 1894. Mr. Amos F. Adams donated $30,000 to build the library itself, and later another $10,000 for library maintenance and operating costs. In gratitude for this gift, the building was called The Adams Library. It was built on land donated by … Continue reading Library History

1.1-1 Public Comment Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library Board of Trustees [hereafter: Board of Trustees] recognizes the importance of active public participation at all public meetings, at the discretion of the Chairperson, on items on the official agenda such as public hearings or other published topics where public input is explicitly identified for a given agenda item. All comments … Continue reading 1.1-1 Public Comment Policy

Virtual Decluttering Workshops every month in 2024 with Jamie Novak

If you haven’t check out one of these programs on getting organized, you should mark your calendars now!  Jamie gets you moving around your space and getting rid of things you might not have thought you didn’t need!  Even if you don’t, it’s a mental decluttering as well.  See below for the upcoming programs each … Continue reading Virtual Decluttering Workshops every month in 2024 with Jamie Novak

Download Now: You need something good for the weekend!

For many, today has concluded a week of pretty dramatic changes in routine, home, and work environment. If you are headed into the weekend, you’re going to want to take something good to read with you. Here is a list of some really great escapes available now in Overdrive. View a full list of available … Continue reading Download Now: You need something good for the weekend!


Children’s Programming Volunteering (Grades 7+) Beginning in June 2022, we will have volunteer opportunities for teens in grades 7+ to assist with our Children’s programming. Trainings will be held the second Wednesday of the month in the Children’s Room. Please register for a training on our events calendar. Volunteer Shelf Reading (Grades 7+) Beginning in … Continue reading Volunteer

How-To Afternoons Series

Are you looking to pick up a new skill or hobby? Then check out our new series of programs aimed at getting you started with the guidance of an expert and some interactive, hands-on practice. Come and try something new with us! These sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons until Memorial Day. How-to sessions … Continue reading How-To Afternoons Series

Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (2003) Reviewed by Braneeth Summary The Namesake follows Gogol Ganguli, the son of two Indian immigrants living in Massachusetts. Gogol’s name is unique, it is neither Bengali nor American, and it leaves Gogol confused about who he truly is. The book follows Gogol’s journey as he searches for his own … Continue reading Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022