Bibliobites in March: In the Kitchen We’re Briefly Vietnamese

It was an exciting day for our Bibliobites group: in March we were able to meet in person for the first time in two years!  The conversation was fast and furious as we caught up with each other and discussed our adventures with Vietnamese Food Any Day by Andrea Nguyen.  This month’s title was chosen … Continue reading Bibliobites in March: In the Kitchen We’re Briefly Vietnamese

While You Are Waiting…Louise Penny

As the newest member of the Readers Advisory team here at Chelmsford Public Library, I was asked to write an introductory blog post about what I am currently reading.  Which led me to think about reading in the time of COVID.  I do not know about you, but one of the things I missed the … Continue reading While You Are Waiting…Louise Penny


MacKay Renovation Update

MacKay Renovation Update We’re excited to announce that we’re looking forward to the re-opening of the MacKay branch in North Chelmsford in early spring! The location was initially closed due to COVID concerns in 2020, but the recognition that the building’s HVAC system and other features didn’t meet modern health and safety guidelines prompted a … Continue reading MacKay Renovation Update

Amazing New Features in Transparent Language

Our extensive language learning database has great new content and expanded features. I studied French from grade school through college. With a total of thirteen non-consecutive years of study, I was excited to converse when I finally went to France. Upon arrival, I found no one spoke with the measured clarity of my accommodating teachers. … Continue reading Amazing New Features in Transparent Language