4.2 Gift / Donation Policy

The Chelmsford Board of Library Trustees welcomes and encourages gifts and donations which are consistent with the Library’s Mission Statement. Print and Non-Print Materials The Library is pleased to accept print (books) and non-print (DVDs, CDs, etc.) materials when they comply with the Library’s Material’s Selection Policy. All gifts are accepted with the understanding that … Continue reading 4.2 Gift / Donation Policy

American Ancestors

In-Library Access: http://www.americanancestors.org/search/advanced-search/ The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is the oldest genealogical society in the country. For over 150 years, NEHGS has helped new and experienced researchers trace their heritage in New England and around the world. Their databases contain a wide assortment of genealogical information, some overlapping what Ancestry Library provides.

Tax Forms & Help

Tax Forms Massachusetts and Federal tax forms are available in the library. We receive the MA Department of Revenue’s Form 1 for both Residents and Non-Residents, and Federal forms as part of the IRS’ Tax Form Outlet Program. As such, we are entirely reliant on them for the availability of tax forms. If we do … Continue reading Tax Forms & Help

Solicitation Of Signatures In Public Places

The document below was provided to the library by the Massachusetts Elections Division concerning the solicitation of signatures at locations that includes public libraries. Ballot-access and nomination paper signature solicitation are permitted provided there is no interference with patrons, staff, or normal library operations. Both the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions protect the right to … Continue reading Solicitation Of Signatures In Public Places

Video test

ArtBot The kids in our Library Lab program built amazing robots that draw by themselves! Library Lab is an ongoing science and engineering series for kids in grades 3-5. Learn more and register for upcoming programs on our website: https://www.chelmsfordlibrary.org/kids/programs-for-school-age-kids/ Posted by Chelmsford Public Library on Saturday, January 30, 2016