Reading Resources

“Pathfinder” Reading Lists Click on the icon to download a reading list of books related to the icon’s topic. (Microsoft Word document) Available in print in the Children’s Room as well! Under Construction — More to come! Picture Books   Electronic Resources Please note: access to these resources requires a Chelmsford Library card. Chelmsford residents … Continue reading Reading Resources

Senior Services: Housing Assistance

  In the Collection Local Assistance Chelmsford Housing Authority – The Chelmsford Housing Authority strives to meet the needs of the elderly, the disabled and families in need of affordable housing. Eligible applicants are able to apply for State Aided senior housing. Homeowner Options for Massachusetts Elders (H.O.M.E.) – (Call 1-800-583-5337) Provides comprehensive in-home counseling … Continue reading Senior Services: Housing Assistance

SoJust Book Group

The Social Justice Book Group addresses civic engagement (see the library’s guides for more information) and reads an array of titles about identity, equality, justice, the environment, and much more. Our current vision is to read books that get us thinking and talking about how we as a community can move towards a more socially … Continue reading SoJust Book Group

Boston Globe

1980-current. Full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.

Read This Next… Comfort food and reading with author Ann Hood

 In case you missed it, last Thursday evening bestselling author Ann Hood joined us for a conversation with our own Andrea Grant. Ms. Hood began by reading her essay “Memories of a Marsha Jordan Girl,” about the famous Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins. The essay is a part of her collection, Kitchen Yarns, our selection … Continue reading Read This Next… Comfort food and reading with author Ann Hood

One Book 2022: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

It’s time!  One Book 2022 is here!  Starting this week, you can stop by the library to pick up your copy of On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. Sign up to join us on Zoom for his visit on Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 pm when he’ll be in conversation with poet, Professor … Continue reading One Book 2022: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

Town of Chelmsford Land Acknowledgement

On March 14, 2022, the Chelmsford Select Board signed a Land Acknowledgement Proclamation which was drafted by a subcommittee of the Town’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, library staff, and Select Board member, Pat Wojtas. This important first step seeks to recognize the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this land and honor the Indigenous … Continue reading Town of Chelmsford Land Acknowledgement

Let’s Talk Books 2024 Reading Challenge Discussion Group

Massachusetts Center for the Book provided a 2024 Reading Challenge – Each month there is a theme – you choose a book to read in that theme.  Their monthly challenge, after you read, is to submit a form online – simple, and fun.  They will have prizes at the end of the year.  If you … Continue reading Let’s Talk Books 2024 Reading Challenge Discussion Group