Read it First: Books Hitting the Big Screen

Dozens of books are going from page to screen this year, and Chelmsford Public Library is here for anyone who prefers to read the book first. For those more interested in watching, many of these hit films and shows will be coming to our shelves soon as DVDs! Read on for your next great book … Continue reading Read it First: Books Hitting the Big Screen

Teen Book Reviews – July 10, 2021

Check out these awesome reviews from our teen volunteers, and pick up a title for your next trip or beach read! The Long Walk, by Stephen King (1979) Reviewed by Braneeth Summary The Long Walk takes place in a dystopian United States. There is an annual competition in which one hundred volunteers from all over the … Continue reading Teen Book Reviews – July 10, 2021

While You Are Waiting…Louise Penny

As the newest member of the Readers Advisory team here at Chelmsford Public Library, I was asked to write an introductory blog post about what I am currently reading.  Which led me to think about reading in the time of COVID.  I do not know about you, but one of the things I missed the … Continue reading While You Are Waiting…Louise Penny

Donate to the Chelmsford Library

More Than a Century of Giving For more than 100 years, library philanthropy has been a tradition in the town of Chelmsford. It began in 1893, when a group of private citizens banded together and generously donated a collection of 1,846 volumes which became Chelmsford’s first “free public library”. It continued with the donation of … Continue reading Donate to the Chelmsford Library

Read This Next: Winter Reading Challenge

As you may have heard, we here at CPL are hosting a Winter Reading Challenge BINGO game.  Expand your reading horizons, get a BINGO, and enter your BINGO card to win some great prizes.  There is still plenty of time to read along with us! While I can’t win any of the prizes, I am … Continue reading Read This Next: Winter Reading Challenge


MacKay Renovation Update

MacKay Renovation Update We’re excited to announce that we’re looking forward to the re-opening of the MacKay branch in North Chelmsford in early spring! The location was initially closed due to COVID concerns in 2020, but the recognition that the building’s HVAC system and other features didn’t meet modern health and safety guidelines prompted a … Continue reading MacKay Renovation Update

2.21 Pandemic Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library has established the following policy to follow in the event of a pandemic. The Chelmsford Public Library will close due to a pandemic in the event that there is a mandate or recommendation for closure issued by public health or government officials on the local, county, or state level. In the … Continue reading 2.21 Pandemic Policy

Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – September 1, 2023

School is back in session – let’s celebrate with some book reviews! Our teens have been reading and writing up a storm, and I am so excited to end this long hiatus and share their reviews. Read on, friends! Your next favorite read may be in this post 🙂 Stories of Your Life and Others … Continue reading Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – September 1, 2023