While You Are Waiting for… Malibu Rising

This Summer’s blockbuster book is Malibu Rising, by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and if it proves to be as entertaining as her previous novels, it should be worth the hold-queue wait. The novel begins by introducing us to the adult Riva children, in the early 1980s, getting ready for a massive bash at their Malibu mansion. … Continue reading While You Are Waiting for… Malibu Rising

Social Law Library

Ask at Reference Desk for login In-Library Access: http://www.socialaw.com/account/librarylogin Collection of Massachusetts court and state agency decisions from the Social Law Library’s legal research databases; provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.

About Winterfest

The Winterfest Social is being moved to Spring! Watch for details on chelmsfordlibrary.org Winterfest Chelmsford is a celebration of the winter season by the local groups and organizations in Chelmsford. It is held every year during the first weekend in February. If your group is interested in sponsoring or hosting an event, please contact Tricia … Continue reading About Winterfest

Reading Resources

“Pathfinder” Reading Lists Click on the icon to download a reading list of books related to the icon’s topic. (Microsoft Word document) Available in print in the Children’s Room as well! Under Construction — More to come! Picture Books   Electronic Resources Please note: access to these resources requires a Chelmsford Library card. Chelmsford residents … Continue reading Reading Resources

Bibliobites in May: Dinner: The Neverending Story

Every day, the dinner decision looms: Chicken or pasta? Takeout or home-cooked? Thirty minutes or two hours?  Most of us are fortunate enough to have the luxury of dithering over what we feel like eating on any given night, and how much time and effort we want to devote to our evening meal.  And cookbook … Continue reading Bibliobites in May: Dinner: The Neverending Story

Programs for Young Children

See all Storytimes on the event calendar Weekly Fall Storytimes September 11 – December 15, 2023 If you have questions or feedback about our programs, feel free to send an email to youthservices@chelmsfordlibrary.org. We are doing our best to meet the needs of the community in a manner that prioritizes the well-being of our youngest patrons. … Continue reading Programs for Young Children

Teen Book Reviews – September 20, 2021

Check out the wide range of books our teen volunteers are reading and reviewing this fall! Do you see any of your favorites? 🙂 The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud (2014) Reviewed by Braneeth Summary The Screaming Staircase is a thriller novel set in Victorian England. An event known as “the Problem” has caused deadly ghosts … Continue reading Teen Book Reviews – September 20, 2021

Bibliobites in November/December: Chasing Flavors

Unrelenting drive. Fierce determination. Boundless energy and ambition. Obsessive single-mindedness.  Plus a dollop of anxiety.  Put all these traits together and you have a recipe for what it takes to become a successful chef in the hyper-competitive world of fine dining. In addition to the above  qualities, many of today’s cooking stars have unusual backgrounds … Continue reading Bibliobites in November/December: Chasing Flavors