Senior Services: Housing Assistance

  In the Collection Local Assistance Chelmsford Housing Authority – The Chelmsford Housing Authority strives to meet the needs of the elderly, the disabled and families in need of affordable housing. Eligible applicants are able to apply for State Aided senior housing. Homeowner Options for Massachusetts Elders (H.O.M.E.) – (Call 1-800-583-5337) Provides comprehensive in-home counseling … Continue reading Senior Services: Housing Assistance

Bibliobites in September: Fresh But Not Fussy

September brings that change of season with which we are all so happily familiar– cooler temps and shorter days, and the last glorious gasp of summer warmth.   And September means that our Bibliobites group restarts after a summer off.  We had envisioned  meeting outdoors on a lovely late-summer morning, but alas– the weather did … Continue reading Bibliobites in September: Fresh But Not Fussy

How-To Afternoons Series

Are you looking to pick up a new skill or hobby? Then check out our new series of programs aimed at getting you started with the guidance of an expert and some interactive, hands-on practice. Come and try something new with us! These sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons until Memorial Day. How-to sessions … Continue reading How-To Afternoons Series

Monica Wood – author visit with book signing! Thursday, July 11th at 6:00pm

Maine author, Monica Wood will be stopping here on her book tour for her latest book, How to Read a Book, on Thursday, July 11th at 6:00pm – here at the library! Register for seat HERE She will talk about her book, her writing, her research and her books will be available to purchase and have … Continue reading Monica Wood – author visit with book signing! Thursday, July 11th at 6:00pm

Friday Fiction: Read around the world!

At this point in Winter, we all need a break. If you’re like most people, it’s not feasible to hop on a plane. Instead, try immersing yourself in a new book from a far off place, and travel without leaving your favorite reading nook! Our January Friday Fiction presentation took us around the world with … Continue reading Friday Fiction: Read around the world!

Bibliobites in February: Just. Really. Good.

Every now and then our group takes on a title that hits a certain sweet spot: the recipes are familiar enough, but with some unexpected twists; the resulting dishes are high on the flavor meter and low on the effort scale; ingredients are easily located in your favorite supermarket; and most telling, you enjoy the … Continue reading Bibliobites in February: Just. Really. Good.

The Library is Going Solar

Early next week, crews will begin installing solar panels on the roof of the Library! As reported in April in the Chelmsford Independent, the Town chose to install solar panels on the Library not only to save money, but also to help inform the public on the benefits of solar energy. The article quoted Chelmsford … Continue reading The Library is Going Solar

Genealogy Club

The Chelmsford Genealogy Club is a friendly group of people who share an interest in genealogy. The meetings of the Chelmsford Genealogy Club are free and open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to participate no matter where you’re from. Currently, our meeting dates vary to accommodate the availability of speakers. Contact Jill Kenny … Continue reading Genealogy Club