Bibliobites in September: Fresh But Not Fussy

September brings that change of season with which we are all so happily familiar– cooler temps and shorter days, and the last glorious gasp of summer warmth. Β  And September means that our Bibliobites group restarts after a summer off.Β  We had envisionedΒ  meeting outdoors on a lovely late-summer morning, but alas– the weather did … Continue reading Bibliobites in September: Fresh But Not Fussy

Bibliobites in June: Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of…. Salad!

For many of us, salads equal summertime.Β  In the winter, we may be happy to hunker down with steaming bowls of soup or sturdy casseroles, but when warmer weather (finally) arrives, we’re more likely to crave something lighter.Β  A cool, crunchy main-dish salad can be the perfect dinnertime solution– substantial without being too heavy, refreshing, … Continue reading Bibliobites in June: Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of…. Salad!

Black History Month display

Winter Reading Challenge: Contemporary Black Authors

How is everyone doing in the Winter Reading Challenge?Β  The Readers Advisory team at CPL is reading right along with you and this week, in honor of Black History Month, we are working on this Level One challenge: Read a book written by a contemporary Black author Deanna is reading… These Toxic Things by Rachel … Continue reading Winter Reading Challenge: Contemporary Black Authors

Bibliobites in February: Just. Really. Good.

Every now and then our group takes on a title that hits a certain sweet spot: the recipes are familiar enough, but with some unexpected twists; the resulting dishes are high on the flavor meter and low on the effort scale; ingredients are easily located in your favorite supermarket; and most telling, you enjoy the … Continue reading Bibliobites in February: Just. Really. Good.

Friday Fiction: Read around the world!

At this point in Winter, we all need a break. If you’re like most people, it’s not feasible to hop on a plane. Instead, try immersing yourself in a new book from a far off place, and travel without leaving your favorite reading nook! Our January Friday Fiction presentation took us around the world with … Continue reading Friday Fiction: Read around the world!

American Ancestors

In-Library Access: The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is the oldest genealogical society in the country. For over 150 years, NEHGS has helped new and experienced researchers trace their heritage in New England and around the world. Their databases contain a wide assortment of genealogical information, some overlapping what Ancestry Library provides.

While You Are Waiting for… Malibu Rising

This Summer’s blockbuster book is Malibu Rising, by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and if it proves to be as entertaining as her previous novels, it should be worth the hold-queue wait. The novel begins by introducing us to the adult Riva children, in the early 1980s, getting ready for a massive bash at their Malibu mansion. … Continue reading While You Are Waiting for… Malibu Rising

Social Law Library

Ask at Reference Desk for login In-Library Access: Collection of Massachusetts court and state agency decisions from the Social Law Library’s legal research databases; provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.