2.11 Meeting Room Policy

To reserve a meeting room, please visit our meeting room reservation page, here. The Chelmsford Public Library makes community meeting and study spaces available for public use on an equitable basis within the requirements described in this policy. These rooms are provided to further the mission of the Chelmsford Public Library as adopted by the … Continue reading 2.11 Meeting Room Policy

Black History Month display

Winter Reading Challenge: Contemporary Black Authors

How is everyone doing in the Winter Reading Challenge?  The Readers Advisory team at CPL is reading right along with you and this week, in honor of Black History Month, we are working on this Level One challenge: Read a book written by a contemporary Black author Deanna is reading… These Toxic Things by Rachel … Continue reading Winter Reading Challenge: Contemporary Black Authors

Bibliobites in February: Finding Resilience, Finding Strength

Winter hadn’t quite released its grip when our Bibliobites group met on an unexpectedly snowy morning.  Though two days prior the temperature had hit 60 degrees, on the day of our meeting the snow steadily accumulated outside as we talked (via zoom) about Erin French’s bestselling memoir, Finding Freedom.  Ms. French is the owner/chef of … Continue reading Bibliobites in February: Finding Resilience, Finding Strength

Library Lover Recommendations

February is Library Lover’s Month, and Chelmsford Library has plenty of books for you to celebrate. Show your love to your favorite libraries by trying these reads set in libraries, bookstores, and more! The Woman in the Library, Sulari Gentill The ornate reading room at the Boston Public Library is quiet, until the tranquility is … Continue reading Library Lover Recommendations

Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (2003) Reviewed by Braneeth Summary The Namesake follows Gogol Ganguli, the son of two Indian immigrants living in Massachusetts. Gogol’s name is unique, it is neither Bengali nor American, and it leaves Gogol confused about who he truly is. The book follows Gogol’s journey as he searches for his own … Continue reading Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022