Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (2003) Reviewed by Braneeth Summary The Namesake follows Gogol Ganguli, the son of two Indian immigrants living in Massachusetts. Gogol’s name is unique, it is neither Bengali nor American, and it leaves Gogol confused about who he truly is. The book follows Gogol’s journey as he searches for his own … Continue reading Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – October 15, 2022

Bibliobites in April: Plenty Simple?

In the kitchen, we’re often looking to simplify– to create maximum joy on the plate with minimum time and effort.   Of course we want to eat something interesting and flavorful, but we don’t want to spend hours getting there.  And we also might want something new and different, too!  April’s title, Ottolenghi Simple by superstar … Continue reading Bibliobites in April: Plenty Simple?

Finished Game of Thrones? Binge your next literary TV show with us!

History, romance, thrillers, and fantasy! The golden age of TV has given us some amazing adaptions of some of our favorite novels. Check these titles out from the library as we give you access to them both on the page and on the screen! Can’t find the latest season? Just put in a request and … Continue reading Finished Game of Thrones? Binge your next literary TV show with us!

Civic Engagement

Voting: Are you registered? Online Voter Registration System There is still time to register for the general election on November 5. You can register, update your registration information or party affiliation, and check you registration status online at this site maintained by the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Library and Town … Continue reading Civic Engagement

It’s all about the ingredients: From Chopped to Chicken Sisters

    A good meal is an important part of our everyday lives, but you need the right recipe to get there. This month we review some of our favorite foodie fiction, cookbooks, shows, podcasts and more! Find the right flavor for your taste and cook up a perfect reading list.     TV Show: … Continue reading It’s all about the ingredients: From Chopped to Chicken Sisters

Bibliobites in May: “-Ish” Again

The melting pot* that is America is never more beautifully expressed than in its foodways.  Sure, it’s easy to poke fun at our love of fast food and fried everything; but the variety of cultures represented in our supermarkets and on our plates is astounding.  Ingredients that a few years ago might have been looked … Continue reading Bibliobites in May: “-Ish” Again

Bibliobites in October: Falling For Apples

The jury’s still out on whether an apple a day really does keep the doctor away, but if it’s fall in New England, then it’s apples all day and every which way.  Fresh or in crisp or pie, pressed into cider or cooked down into sauce, apples are endlessly versatile and uniquely delicious.  This month’s … Continue reading Bibliobites in October: Falling For Apples

Programs for Young Children

See all Storytimes on the event calendar Weekly Fall Storytimes September 11 – December 15, 2023 If you have questions or feedback about our programs, feel free to send an email to youthservices@chelmsfordlibrary.org. We are doing our best to meet the needs of the community in a manner that prioritizes the well-being of our youngest patrons. … Continue reading Programs for Young Children