Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt

For Chelmsford Library’s 2023 Summer Reading Challenge, we are launching a scavenger hunt! Search out and read books that fit our clues to be entered to win a prize. The scavenger hunt launches June 1st, and is due back by August 31st. Download the form below! Want a head start? Here are some recommendations! A … Continue reading Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt

American Ancestors

In-Library Access: The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is the oldest genealogical society in the country. For over 150 years, NEHGS has helped new and experienced researchers trace their heritage in New England and around the world. Their databases contain a wide assortment of genealogical information, some overlapping what Ancestry Library provides.

Chelmsford History

Chelmsford is a suburban community located in northern Middlesex County approximately 24 miles north of Boston, Massachusetts. Chelmsford was incorporated in 1655 and has grown from a small rural community to a thriving residential suburban town of more than 33,000 people. To find out more about the history of this land prior to its incorporation, … Continue reading Chelmsford History

Tax Forms & Help

Tax Forms Massachusetts and Federal tax forms are available in the library. We receive the MA Department of Revenue’s Form 1 for both Residents and Non-Residents, and Federal forms as part of the IRS’ Tax Form Outlet Program. As such, we are entirely reliant on them for the availability of tax forms. If we do … Continue reading Tax Forms & Help

Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – December 16, 2022

As the temperatures drop and the sky darkens early, take advantage of blankets, warm drinks, and good books! Our teen volunteers have written some great reviews to share – maybe one of these will be your next cozy winter read! Everless by Sara Holland (2018) Reviewed by Vaanya The book Everless, is by Sara Holland, and … Continue reading Teen Volunteer Book Reviews – December 16, 2022

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

As everyone knows by now, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong is our One Book Chelmsford 2022 title. Jess and Deanna talk about On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous in the latest installment of Bookmarked!  They discuss several of the main themes of the novel, as well as offer some great readalike suggestions. The … Continue reading On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

Genealogy Club

The Chelmsford Genealogy Club is a friendly group of people who share an interest in genealogy. The meetings of the Chelmsford Genealogy Club are free and open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to participate no matter where you’re from. Currently, our meeting dates vary to accommodate the availability of speakers. Contact Jill Kenny … Continue reading Genealogy Club

2.14 Art Exhibition Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library welcomes the opportunity to allow groups, organizations, or individuals to use the library picture rail on the main level for art exhibits. Space is provided for educational, cultural, civic, or recreational exhibits. Space is not available for strictly commercial purposes. The purpose of the exhibit policy is to provide guidance in … Continue reading 2.14 Art Exhibition Policy

1.1-1 Public Comment Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library Board of Trustees [hereafter: Board of Trustees] recognizes the importance of active public participation at all public meetings, at the discretion of the Chairperson, on items on the official agenda such as public hearings or other published topics where public input is explicitly identified for a given agenda item. All comments … Continue reading 1.1-1 Public Comment Policy