Graphic Novels and Manga

We maintain a diverse collection of YA Graphic Novels and Manga in the Library. Stop by to browse today, or use the links below to help you find your next great read. Find it in our catalog E-Resources: Can’t get to the Library to pick up a book? Check out the digital graphic novels available … Continue reading Graphic Novels and Manga

2.8 Computer Use Policy

Computers are provided to enhance the mission of the Chelmsford Public Library. This policy sets out appropriate use of the Library public computers in order to ensure the maximum library-related use of limited numbers of public computers, to prevent damage to library computing resources, and to provide guidelines for use. Rights and Responsibilities: Computers and … Continue reading 2.8 Computer Use Policy

1.1-1 Public Comment Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library Board of Trustees [hereafter: Board of Trustees] recognizes the importance of active public participation at all public meetings, at the discretion of the Chairperson, on items on the official agenda such as public hearings or other published topics where public input is explicitly identified for a given agenda item. All comments … Continue reading 1.1-1 Public Comment Policy

Bibliobites in May: Comme Ci, Comme Ça

What is it about French food that perpetually fascinates?  Is it that European cultural savoir-faire, or the elegance we typically associate with France?  Is it the food itself: not too challenging for most palates, often rich with butter and cheese; and accented with wine and herbs like tarragon or chives?  Is it the vibrant personalities … Continue reading Bibliobites in May: Comme Ci, Comme Ça

Chelmsford Library’s Best Books of 2022

The year is wrapping up, and the Chelmsford Library’s staff have been waiting to share their favorite books with you! From mystery to graphic novels, fiction and nonfiction, we’ve read books from all over. Here are some of our staff’s favorite reads from this past year. Vickie Assistant Director of Support Services Profiles in Ignorance, … Continue reading Chelmsford Library’s Best Books of 2022

Technology Works at the Chelmsford Public Library

Technology Works Again!!

The reference team at the Chelmsford Public Library are known for great support for your technology needs. Whether you’re printing, scanning, faxing, checking out e-books and audiobooks, or exploring the library’s online resources, we are happy to work with you with whatever device you have, and discover answers together. Last year, we launched Technology Works, … Continue reading Technology Works Again!! MA Permit Practice

Free RMV permit practice tests, including 11 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 3 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests, 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL), and an FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions. Please Note: is not affiliated with or evaluated by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. … Continue reading MA Permit Practice

Solicitation Of Signatures In Public Places

The document below was provided to the library by the Massachusetts Elections Division concerning the solicitation of signatures at locations that includes public libraries. Ballot-access and nomination paper signature solicitation are permitted provided there is no interference with patrons, staff, or normal library operations. Both the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions protect the right to … Continue reading Solicitation Of Signatures In Public Places

Read This Next…Scary Books!

‘Tis the season for spooky reading!  What is the scariest book you have ever read? For me?  I had to sleep with the lights on for two weeks after reading Salem’s Lot by Stephen King!  Whether you like truly scary stories like that, or ghost stories, or gothics, or classics like Dracula and Frankenstein, see … Continue reading Read This Next…Scary Books!

Library History

The original portion of the existing Chelmsford Library in Chelmsford Center was built in 1894. Mr. Amos F. Adams donated $30,000 to build the library itself, and later another $10,000 for library maintenance and operating costs. In gratitude for this gift, the building was called The Adams Library. It was built on land donated by … Continue reading Library History