Career & Employment

  Featured Online Resources   Print Materials Help Wanted Newspaper Classifieds – Sunday papers are in the Newspaper Room Interviewing, Resume & Cover Letters, Starting Out/Returning To Work, Industry/Company Research – Check out the Career Resources section, located next on the tables by the Reference Desk Additional Online Resources 50+ Job Seekers Networking Group of … Continue reading Career & Employment

Bibliobites in May: Ish the Third

It’s official: “-ish” is now a trend in the cookbook world.  It’s a positive trend overall, acknowledging that while we may not be discussing or producing something totally authentic (for one or multiple reasons), it’s close enough to (literally) give you the flavor of a particular cuisine.  And as the title of this post implies, … Continue reading Bibliobites in May: Ish the Third

Meet the Staff: Jessica FitzHanso

Jessica FitzHanso Head of Reader Services 978-256-5521 x1115 Jessica grew up an avid reader in the Boston area, studied English in Washington DC, and received a degree in library science in Albany NY, before returning to MA to work for the Chelmsford Library. She has traveled widely and hopes to continue to do so. … Continue reading Meet the Staff: Jessica FitzHanso

While You are Waiting for….The Sentence by Louise Erdrich

I’ve been surprised lately how many big authors are incorporating the pandemic into their new novels. It seems too soon, right? Well, it is certainly a moment in our collective history and consciousness, and fiction, to me at least, has always been an excellent way to make sense of challenging, painful experiences. One of the … Continue reading While You are Waiting for….The Sentence by Louise Erdrich