Let’s Talk Books with Jill and Julie

Our new book group!  It’s a book share – where everyone chooses to read a book for that month’s theme, and then shares with the group at the end of the month – the last Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm- either in-person (in the McCarthy meeting room) or on zoom.  Each month, after the meeting, everyone will gain a new list of books to read!

Our library is one of many in the state participating in the MA Reading Challenge (see more options for the challenge below).  Every library chooses a different way to participate.  We have chosen to create a group to book share – as we don’t have this kind of book group!  We look forward to hearing what books are chosen and meeting new patrons!

If you have any questions, please contact Jill Kenny at jkenny@chelmsfordlibrary.org or Julie Iatron at jiatron@chelmsfordlibrary.org


2024 Themes:

January: A book you read years ago that you may feel different about now

February: A book with a color in the title

March: A book whose protagonist has a different culture or lifestyle from you

April: A book about nature, the environment, or climate change

May: A graphic novel

June: A book that inspired a film or television series

July: A book by an author born outside of the United States

August: A book whose title starts with the same letter as your birthday month

September: A debut book by a Massachusetts author

October: A book about a time in history you’d like to know more about

November: A relaxing, soul-soothing book

December: A well-reviewed book in your least favorite genre

*For more information about the Massachusetts Center for the Book Reading Challenge:

  1. Choose a book that fits the monthly challenge.  If you’re stuck, consider visiting your local library or bookstore for recommendations!
  2. Each month, after you read, fill out a short form to tell us about the book.  A link to the submission form can be found at massbook.org/readingchallenge
  3. That’s it! – Mass Center for the Book will host a year-end party to celebrate participants committed to the challenge. – If you read a book in each of the 12 months, you will be entered in a drawing to win1 of 2 totes filled with books and Massachusetts goodies.