Chelmsford Friends of the Library


Each year, the Friends of the Library sponsor a scholarship to be awarded to a high school graduating senior(s) who is a resident of Chelmsford, will be attending a 2- or 4-year college or university full-time in the fall, and has had an ongoing relationship with a
library/libraries or has volunteered and/or worked for a library.

Please see the scholarship page and/or the application for more details. To apply: print the application to fill out and then scan and send to or drop off at the Library (during open hours) before midnight on March 31.

Book Sale

The Friends of the Library Book Sale is a significant source of funding for library programming, museum passes and many extras for Chelmsford patrons. The community’s support through donations and volunteer hours is greatly appreciated.

Congratulations and thanks to the Friends of the Library and all of our patrons throughout the community for a successful fall book sale! The weekend sale raised over $19,000 to help support library programs and services. Don’t forget that you can always find more books for sale on the carts across from the main desk, in the Children’s Room, and at MacKay!

Members only sale will be held Thursday, April 25, 5-7:30 pm
Friday, April 26, 9:00 am to 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 27, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

at the Town Office’s Gym, 50 Billerica Rd

We’ll have plenty of fiction, children’s books, biography, history, cookbooks, sciences, social sciences, and DVDs! $2 for adult books, $1 for kids books.  All proceeds help support library programs and services!

Volunteers needed! May require some lifting and a lot of activity as we move books around and get boxes in and out of cars. Contact the friends at:

The 2023 Fall Book Sale was held in October. Nearly one hundred volunteers helped make the Sale a huge success, earning over $19,000 to support library programs and services!

2023 Annual Meeting

At their annual meeting on December 7, the Friends discussed all the great programs and services, along with infrastructure improvements that they helped to fund in 2023! You can download a flyer showing the yearly roundup here!

To help support the Friends, you can become a member, browse the ongoing sale carts, give a gift, or buy a shirt!

Join the Friends of the Library or renew your membership now!

Become more involved in your public library and make new friends! The Friends meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. See the Agenda & Minutes.


Select Membership Level:

Not a Chelmsford Resident? Click here!



Our Friends group is one of the largest and most active in the state. Our members organize and execute an enormous Book Sale each fall that raises over $20,000. Occasionally the Friends hold a Book Sale in the spring as well. The Friends are awesome! Their support makes possible educational, cultural, art and music programs for adults and children, as well as museum passes, computer workstations, equipment, and furniture for both the Anna C. MacKay Branch and the Main Library.

Our Friends are a mix of young and old, residents and non-residents  who dedicate time and energy to enhance programs and services at CPL. Your membership in the Friends adds your name to the Friends email newsletter list and directs your membership dollars towards all the activities the Friends sponsor on behalf of the library.

Non-Chelmsford residents can also join and gain access to the library’s museum passes (which are funded by the Friends).

Here are some common ways members participate in the Friends:

  • Help with the Book Sales
  • Help with 4th of July Activities
    • Join the 4th of July committee
    • Work the booth at the 4th of July fair
    • Sell raffle tickets
  • Help Throughout the Year
    • Collect/sort donated books
    • Assist with mailings
    • Data entry using Microsoft Excel/Word
    • Assist with Special Events
    • Join a committee


Joining the Friends of the Library is easy. Simply click on the “Join now” link above or print out a Friends application form [pdf], complete it, and return it with your donation to:

Friends of the Library
Chelmsford Public Library
25 Boston Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824


Contact the Chelmsford Friends of the Library

General email:

President: Maureen Foley
Vice-President: Kathy Clark
Treasurer: Jeanne Mieszczanski
Correspondence Secretary:
Christine Robinson
Recording Secretary: Anne Worth
Social Media Chair
Jim Molinari
Book Sale Contact: Madeleine Needles
Membership Chair: Lyn Carey

Connect with the Friends on Facebook!

Follow the Friends on Instagram