All posts by Sharon

Family Tea Party!

Saturday November 17

Join us for a family tea party. Bring your friends and family! First we’ll make tiny tea sandwiches and arrange it all on trays. Then we’ll all sit down and have snacks together. There will be cookies and fairy punch, too!

Wear your Saturday finery!
Ages 8 and up only

Please make sure to sign up each person who is coming so we have enough snacks!



November is National Novel Writing Month!

Join us for a Write In!

Monday November 5, 5-7pm

Monday November 19, 5-7pm

November is the time of year to sit down and
write the novel you’ve always meant to. Come to the Chelmsford public
library November 5th and 19th from 5-7pm to escape from all the
distractions in your life. We will be hosting a write in on those days in
our conference room. A nice quiet place that will be filled with nothing but
the sounds of key clacking and pens (or pencils) scratching away.

Ages 12 and up.

Drop in.