All posts by Children's Staff

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This post was written by the staff of the Children's Room. Contact Nicole Giroux, Head of Children's for more information.

Books for Preschoolers on Monday, October 6

This was only the 2nd week of storytime, so families were still trying different days, times and age groups to see which ones work best for their children.   Last week we had many very young children who would have done well in the toddler storytime.  This week’s preschool group was much smaller, and the children were older, so we concentrated on reading more stories.

Image of item   Image of item   Image of item   Image of item      Image of item

The Scaredy Squirrel was afraid of many things, some sensible and some not so much.  We liked an amazing ability he had, that he would not have found without something scary happening to him.

The Apple Pie Tree tells the life cycle of an apple tree, concentrating on the apples – the best part of an apple pie.

Tap the Magic Tree is a terrific book to share with one child or a small group.  It is very interactive, and magical things happen when children tap the pages.

Matilda’s Cat is a bit of a mystery.  What does Matilda’s cat like best? What are the things that Matilda likes best – when she is dressed in a cat costume?

I’m as Quick as a Cricket is a bit long to read for the 5th book in a storytime, but these children kept asking for more stories.


Books for toddlers on Monday, September 29.

Welcome back to storytime – for all the families who I haven’t seen since the summer.  Welcome for the 1st time – to all the new faces today.

We read a story in a “big book” format. Image of item

Today’s book was I Love Animals by Flora McDonnell.

We did lots of rhymes and songs as well:

The More We Sing Together
Open, Shut Them
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
3 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
I’m a Little TeapotTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck
5 Little Pumpkins
Shake Your Sillies Out
Hickory, Dickory Dock
Itsy, Bitsy Spider
If You’re Happy and You Know It


Fall storytimes begin the week of September 29

The Chelmsford Library begins Fall Storytimes on September 29.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the storytimes are held at the Main Library.
This schedule will continue until December 19.  You may drop-in without registering.

Babies (up to 12 months without siblings) meet on Fridays at 10:00

Toddler Storytimes:
12 – 18 months on Fridays at 11:00
12-30 months on Mondays at 10:00 or Wednesdays at 11:00. These storytimes feature mostly nursery rhymes and songs.  Children will listen to a story, sing, act out nursery rhymes, and learn some sign language.

Preschool Storytimes for children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years old meet:
Mondays at 11:00, or Wednesdays at 10:00
Fridays at 10:30 (at the MacKay Branch Library in N. Chelmsford)

Big Kid Storytimes meet on Thursday afternoon at 1:00 for children age 4-6 yrs old who are comfortable attending without their grown-up caregiver.

Dads and Donuts is a storytime that happens on the 2nd Saturday of every month, year round.  Children ages 2 and up are invited to join us.  The majority of grown-ups are dads, but moms and other relatives are always invited.  After a half hour of stories and rhymes, there will be a small snack.

What kind of “writing” can very young children do?

The next great author is….   Your child.

We remind parents that Talking, Reading, Singing and Playing are all stepping stones for a child learning to read.  We also mention Writing.  This may be confusing when talking about very young children who cannot make letters.  How can they “write”?

Little children scribble for pictures and writing.  They are making a permanent record of their thoughts and feelings at that time. The scribbles should always be celebrated.  It is usually a bit later that children will draw and then scribble under the picture to write about it – knowing that pictures and words are different things.

Thick markers and crayons with unlined paper are good tools for this very early stage.



Singing nursery rhymes

Exposure to nursery rhymes is an important building block for literacy.  When I began as a children’s librarian, I asked a number of Kindergarten teachers for advice.  They said that children were coming to Kindergarten without knowing nursery rhymes, and it would help a great deal if I taught themHickory-Dickory-Dock.  I have always loved nursery rhymes, so I was happy to do this.

My signature nursery rhyme is Hickory Dickory Dock.  I have a mouse puppet that I named Maureen.  She always appreciates it when the children sing her favorite rhyme.  In fact she gives everyone kisses at the end of the storytime she is so happy.

The rhyming is an important part, but singing the rhymes makes an even more powerful learning tool.  When we sing, we pronounce each syllable more distinctly.  This helps children understand that words are made of letters, each letter has its own sound, and when we group the letters together they make interesting sounds.  Singing helps a child hear bits of sound at a time.

Because I have difficulty carrying a tune, I need adults to help me in all my storytimes.  I’m not giving singing lessons.  I’m breaking words into syllables and that’s something everyone can do with children.

P.S.  I won a trivia contest recently, because the final question had to do with the 2nd verse of Jack and Jill.  I was the only one who knew the answer.  How fun is that?

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.  Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper.  He went to bed and wrapped his head with vinegar and brown paper.



Imaginative Play

Imaginative play comes from a child’s experiences in the world.  Visiting places where you can see animals in the wild will lead to more imaginative play about animals.  It will also bring more stories to life, since so many stories for young children involve animals

   Walking through the conservation land in Chelmsford is a wonderful way to see animals and plants. Thanksgiving Forest is bordered by River Meadow Brook and Great Brook Farm State Park.

Bunnies may not be welcomed at the Community Gardens, but you can certainly see lots of plants. The library created a StoryWalk around the gardens to provide yet another outdoor activity in town for young children.  I wonder what the StoryWalk would look like if you pretended you were a bunny family?…