All posts by Children's Staff

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This post was written by the staff of the Children's Room. Contact Nicole Giroux, Head of Children's for more information.

Toddler books on Monday, November 24

It’s never too young to reinforce good manners…

I read Pass the Cheese, Please by Barbara Shook Hazen, illustarted by Paul Harvey.  There is no copy of this book in any of the surrounding libraries, so please feel free to ask someone at the children’s desk to get the Big Book we use for storytimes.  This book stays in the library.

I will give you a sample of the polite mice in the book.  It would be a stretch to call it a story.  It really just teaches manners.

“Polite mice are always fair.  They pass the food and like to share.”
“They eat nicely at the table.  They help as much as they are able.”
“When polite mice ask for cheese they always say, ‘May I please?'”

We also read My Car by Byron Barton.  Image of item

I wish everyone safe travels if you are gathering at someone else’s home.  And best of luck if you are hosting.

Happy Thanksgiving!  ~Maureen


Reading and Rhythm

Singing222In storytime at the MacKay branch this week, we played a game in which we recited each other’s names while clapping on each syllable. My name is Amy; it has two syllables, so we clapped twice while we said it. A name like Mike has just one syllable (one clap), while a name like Caroline gets a whopping three claps!

Learning to break words into their component parts is one of the foundations of early literacy. By dividing their names into distinct syllables, children begin to think about how language is made up of smaller sounds (and by extension, words are made up of individual letters). We can make this kind of activity more fun by adding rhythm elements like clapping, drumming, and stomping feet.

You may find that you’re already doing this without even thinking about it. Nursery rhymes, poetry, and music are all common examples of language that has been set to a structured rhythm. So keep singing with your child and building those pre-literacy skills!


Preschool Storytime, Monday, November 17

This morning we joined together to read lots of books and sing a few songs.  We read an alphabet book where some of the children looked for the letters in their name.  We noticed exclamation marks in a few of the books and we also sang a song about it raining, but not water!  It rained lemon drops, pizza, peas, bananas, apples and so much more.  A good time was had by all.

These are the books we read.

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