All posts by Deanna Parsi

The Real Librarians of Chelmsford

What is the best way to get to know a librarian?  By getting them to dish about books, of course!  Each month, we will introduce you to one of the librarians of Chelmsford Public Library.  This month, we talked to Sean Smith, our new Head of Borrower Services.

Sean was born and raised in Boston, and now lives in the area with his wife, two cats, and dog. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Boston University with summa cum laude honors in 2013, and received his MLIS from Simmons University in 2018. Sean is passionate about Boston sports teams, hiking and camping, and of course reading!.

We asked Sean:

What was your first library?

My mom has worked at the Boston Public Library in Copley Square for over 40 years! When I was young and she could not find a babysitter, I would come into work with her on the T. Those are some of my best childhood memories!

What is on your nightstand right now?

Star Wars The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule

What book do you love to suggest to patrons? 

Blankets by Craig Thompson

What is your favorite line from a book?

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” –Henry David Thoreau in Walden

Where is your favorite place to read?

In Maine, laying down in my pop-up camper on a rainy day, with my wife and dogs.

Who is your favorite character from a book? 

Mr. Bennet from Pride & Prejudice

Last book that made you laugh or cry (or both!)?

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Gets me every single time!

Why do you love being a librarian?

A library is, and has to be, more than just a dusty old place where books live. I always roll my eyes when I see stereotypical librarian tropes on TV. Libraries are vibrant, ever evolving, always adapting, and go beyond just their four walls. Libraries are so vital to the community, and are home to so much. We help connect citizens with needed resources, in almost every way imaginable. For example: helping library users access the internet; highlighting information on food security programs; unbelievable programming; our Library of Things; books (of course!) and more. I love this job because no day is the same. I never know what to expect each day, but I know it involves helping people find things they need, and I love it!

Real Pets of Chelmsford Librarians

Here at the library, we have all been enjoying our 2021 One Book Chelmsford title, How To Be a Good Creature by Sy Montgomery.  The book is a collection of short essays about the animals that have enriched the author’s life, and that have taught her valuable lessons on how to be a “good creature” herself.  She writes: “All you have to do is recognize them as teachers and be ready to hear their truths”.

It has inspired us to think about our own good creatures and what they teach us everyday.  And, since we know that no one ever says no to a cute pet photo, we wanted to share our creatures with you!

Sean says, “This is a picture of Kingston, our rescue dog, at our camp. He was found as a puppy neglected, wrapped up in wire in a yard in Florida, and he still has scars around his neck and left front paw. We fell in love with him at first sight. Kingston has taught me a life’s worth of lessons on unconditional love of family and how to give second chances (in his case, to all of humanity).”

Marty says, ” We have a sweet calico kitty named Harriet, who has definitely made me a better creature. I never had cats growing up, so I was a little unsure when we agreed to take her into our home for a family friend. Now I can’t imagine my life without her. The best thing about having Harriet in my life is that she forces me to slow down and relax a little bit. When she nestles in and starts purring in my lap, I just allow myself some space for quiet time and relaxation. I get lots of good reading done with her around the house!”

Vickie says, “This is my 15-year-old cat, Lucy. Over the years she’s taught me many things, like the importance of regular mealtimes and the joy of napping. She’s also taught me that there’s always time to be silly, and that there’s nothing better than the warmth of a good friend.”

Laura says, “My dog, Mamba, is a Husky White Lab mix that I rescued (but really she rescued me) while I was living in Hungary. We flew back to the U.S. together, which is a trip we both won’t ever forget – I can’t say I would do it again but she can now say she’s traveled by boat, train, plane and car and was unfazed by it all. What a champ!  She continually makes me a better creature by reminding me to find joy in the simple things.”

Danny says, “This is Winry, our 3.5-year-old foxhound rescue. She’s originally from Arkansas, where she was part of a hunting pack and her owners turned her over to a rescue for unknown reasons. We suspect because she’s super afraid of metal sounds and banging noises. Winry has taught me a lot about nonverbal communication, patience, and listening. For example, in this picture, Winry is communicating her disapproval of our decision to eat lunch and not share any with her!”

Deanna says, “These are our cats, Lilly and Skye.  They are quite different – one is an introvert and the other an extrovert – but they get along like sisters.  These good creatures bring us joy every day, make us slow down and appreciate the simple pleasures in life (a contented purr, for example!), and also teach us to have patience with all kinds of temperaments!”

Maria says, “I have two dogs- a male named Titan and a female named Sawyer.   We got Titan in 2016 when he was less than a year old. He has high anxiety and had an annoying habit of chewing through our blinds whenever we left the house. We needed to pull them up every single day. Titan is a Havanese poodle. Sawyer is a rescue. She was found in a box in an abandoned apartment in Orlando. We got her as a puppy and she too is anxious and is afraid of white vans, trucks, loud noises and Amazon boxes of any size.  Sawyer is well known for her under bite and strawberry blonde eye lashes. Both dogs are having an awful time transitioning to apartment living but they do seem to love the snow.  Despite all of these challenges, we could not see leaving them behind when we moved here. They both sleep in our bedroom- Sawyer in her crate and Titan next to mommy!”

Lisa says, ” Here are Hazel (upper left corner), Ripley below Hazel, and Koko next to Ripley – all waiting for a taste of peanut butter!  All of our pooches have taught us important life values:  Live in the present with gratitude; Take time for yourself, and take care of yourself, e.g., enjoy a nap, a good meal, a walk, enjoy snuggle time and a good book! Forgive yourself when you make a mistake (As Koko would say, “I didn’t mean to spill your coffee mug and take a sip, really I didn’t!”)  Share love whenever you can and are able!”

Jess says, “Here is a picture of Lionelle and Ophelia as tiny kittens. They are very big old ladies now, but throughout they have been inseparable. They have taught me how special and remarkable playtime can be, the comfort of friends and siblings, how trust emerges, and how books and keyboards make excellent cushions!”

Becky says, “This is Foster, my sister’s dog, who is named after the great blues singer Ruthie Foster. As you can see, he is four pounds of adorable!  He came into our lives at just the right moment and has reminded us of the importance and comfort of friends.”

Jeff says, “I have a number of good creatures in my life! Milton is a pretty big cat and provides great company and also makes sure that I get up on time in the morning in order to feed him. Bonking you in the head with his own head and staring out the window are his other favorite past times. Tabitha and DJ Roomba are the two adorable bunnies. They enjoy bananas and strawberries and provide strong moral support at all times. Last but not least, the newt’s name is Newt! He is patient and carefree and mostly floats around his tank where I imagine him saying things like “blorp,” “bloop,” and “you’re doing a good job.””

Trupti says, “This is Iris, who we call Pinu as a nickname. Pinu is a Bombay cat who we adopted in 2012. She is affectionate, sassy, and loves to be involved in whatever the family is doing. She also demands exactly what she wants, whether it’s petting, cuddles or treats! That’s a lesson we can all learn from Pinu. Pinu is a mama’s girl and I am her favorite person.”

We hope these furry faces have inspired you to share photos of your own good creatures with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!  And don’t forget to register for our One Book Chelmsford web event with Sy Montgomery on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM EST.  We hope to see you there!

How To Be A Good Creature

“Knowing someone who belongs to another species can enlarge your soul in surprising ways.”

As you know by now, our One Book Chelmsford title is How To Be a Good Creature by Sy Montgomery.  You might recognize the author – she has written many books about animals, and our connection to them, including bestsellers like The Good Good Pig and The Soul of an Octopus.

How To Be A Good Creature is a collection of short essays about the animals that have enriched the author’s life, and that have taught her valuable lessons on how to be a “good creature” herself.  She writes: “All you have to do is recognize them as teachers and be ready to hear their truths”.  From her first dog, Molly, who taught her to be curious about the world around her; to Clarabelle the tarantula, who made her appreciate even the smallest creatures; to her dog companions over the years – Tess, Sally, and Thurber – who taught her joy.  And of course, we can’t forget those she has already made famous through her other works, Christopher Hogwood, that most excellent pig who taught her about enjoying life, and Octavia the Octopus, who demonstrated how we can find love and friendship in the unlikeliest of places.

Do all the stories have happy endings?  Well, there is heartbreak to the story too, as she says goodbye to beloved members of her animal family over the years. We can relate to her feelings of sadness, but she reminds us that there are more good creatures in the world that need our care.  As her dog Thurber has taught her, “you never know, even when life looks hopeless, what might happen next. It could be that something wonderful is right around the corner”.

Be sure to sign up for our Sy Montgomery web event on Wednesday April 21st at 7:30 PM EST.  And if you want more reads about animals, in fiction and nonfiction, see our recommended reading lists below.


P.S. – Check back to our Reading Room blog next week to see our gallery of “good creatures”, a.k.a. The Real Pets of Chelmsford Librarians.


Good Creature March Madness

It is March Madness time and you know what that means – Book bracket showdowns!!  Inspired by our One Book Chelmsford title, How To Be A Good Creature, we have created the Good Creature March Madness bracket.  To follow along, print a bracket yourself or pick up a copy in the library or at curbside.

See the list below for our “Sweet Sixteen” fiction titles that feature our furry companions in life. In the end, it could come down to dogs vs. cats, mystery vs. fiction, humor vs. heartbreak – and you get to decide!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where you will have a chance to vote on each bracket match-up, until we crown the 2021 Champion!

And don’t forget to register for our One Book Chelmsford web event with Sy Montgomery on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM EST.  We hope to see you there!

Book Brunch Reading List

Thanks to all who joined us for our Book Brunch book share meeting last week!   Jess and Deanna shared some new titles coming into the library over the next month, and attendees (readers just like you!) told us what they have been reading and recommending. The list below has something for everyone – mysteries, fairy tales retold, historical fiction, feel-good stories, family sagas, and a few titles that will leave you thinking long after you have finished with them.  Need more recommendations?  Read our Reading Room blog, watch our most current episode of Bookmarked!, or register for our next Book Brunch on May 12!

Book Brunch Reading List:

The Real Librarians of Chelmsford

What is the best way to get to know a librarian?  By getting them to dish about books, of course!  Each month, we will introduce you to one of the librarians of Chelmsford Public Library.  This month, we talked to Jeff Hartman, Marketing and Community Relations Specialist.

Jeff started at the Chelmsford Public Library in January of 2018. He began working in libraries as a volunteer, then a page, then a circulation assistant, before sliding sideways into doing marketing and outreach. Since he started out as a teen, he has worked in seven different libraries. Jeff has a graduate degree in medieval history and occasionally teaches classes, when he is not busy promoting all of our great programs and services!

We asked Jeff…

What was your first library?

The Morse Institute Library in Natick, MA. I started out volunteering in middle school, spending a summer in the basement discarding old magazines that they were getting rid of before they moved to a temporary building during a major renovation.

What is on your nightstand right now?

Solutions and other Problems by Allie Brosh

What book do you love to suggest to patrons?

Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear

What are your three “desert island books”?

The Sandman by Neil Gaiman: (This is a ten volume set, so maybe I’m cheating? But I don’t care!) It’s a triumphant, poignant reimagination of classic mythological figures with a modern sensibility of the shared experience of living, dreaming, and dying.

The Sagas of  the Icelanders:  A large, translated collection of the stories written in the 13th and 14th century by and about the descendants of Vikings who tried to settle down into a quiet life of farming on a volcanic island in the north Atlantic. Between constant family feuds, going off to fight for or against the king of Norway, trolls and the undead, it’s quite the journey and convinced me to go into studying the history that inspired it.

Hercule Poirot’s Casebook by Agatha Christie: Over 800 pages of classic mysteries! If I’m on a desert island, I want volume!

What is your favorite place to read?

On my couch with my cat curled up next to me.


What book should be adapted into a movie, but hasn’t been yet?

Maisie Dobbs as a prestige TV series, please and thank you!

What book would you most like to read again for the first time?

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

Last book that made you laugh or cry (or both!)?

Harrow the Ninth by Tamsin Muir.



Why do you love being a librarian?

Convincing people that libraries are still relevant in the 21st century as the heart of the community, a source for education and entertainment, and as the bedrock of a democracy by making information available to everyone, not just those who can afford it.

Winter Reading Challenge

It is almost time to wrap up our Winter Reading Challenge BINGO game!  If you have been playing along, turn in your completed BINGO card at the main desk, through curbside pickup, or via email no later than March 7 to be entered to win one of three $25 gift cards to

Prizes for reading, you ask?  You bet!

Those that read our blog will remember that, even though I am not eligible for fabulous prizes, I am working on my own BINGO – and reader, I have done it!  BINGO! (Sorry, I had to say it!).

Read a cookbook featuring a cuisine you have never tried:

I am not very adventurous in the kitchen, but one of my resolutions this year has been to try at least one new recipe each week, so that played in perfectly to this particular BINGO square.  I chose The Pho Cookbook: Easy to Adventurous Recipes for Vietnam’s Favorite Soup and Noodles by Andrea Nguyen.

Pho is a popular Vietnamese street food consisting of savory broth, rice noodles, and various herbs and chiles for toppings.  I have seen this cooked on Chopped many times, but have never tried it.  The book itself has an excellent introduction to pho (pronounced “fuh”), including its history, ingredients, techniques, and assembly.  There are many recipes – from beef to chicken to vegetarian – as well as many different preparations. It also includes recipes for fried rice, pho noodles, fried bread sticks, bahn mi, and various accompaniments to pho, like garlic vinegar, hoisin sauce, and chili sauce.

We tried the seafood pho, because I don’t eat meat and my husband won’t eat dinner without some kind of protein.  I did need to buy some spices not in my cupboard – star anise, fennel seeds, and coriander seeds – but otherwise all the ingredients were easily found at the local Market Basket.  I followed the directions closely, but I used the wrong noodles.  There are so many to choose from, and I just bought the wrong size. Which in the end turned out to be a good thing – I liked the savory broth and the shrimp, but my husband wasn’t a fan and ended up eating the noodles like pasta without the broth. So, probably not something that we will make again, but I will feel a bit more in the know when I watch Chopped, and maybe will have the courage to try the real thing someday!

Read a book in translation:

I am sure that I have read books in translation before, but choosing this square made me conscious of the role that a translator plays in a reader’s understanding and enjoyment of a book.  A good translator will make a book relevant, interesting, and convey the author’s intentions – all in another language.

I chose Go by Kazuki Kaneshiro, translated by Takami Nieda.  The narrator of this short poignant novel tells us right up front, “First, let’s get one thing straight. The story that follows is a love story. My love story.”  Which is true – it is the story of Sugihara, a Korean student attending a Japanese high school, and the Japanese girl he falls in love with, Sakurai.  We don’t know their first names – which seems strange, but it is part of their meet-cute story.  What is also true is that this is not just a love story, but also one about prejudice, exclusion, and assimilation.

There is no time-period given in the book, but it feels like a very contemporary story. Koreans are discriminated against in Japan, even those that are born there, speak the language, and raise their families there. There is also prejudice between North and South Koreans.  Sugihara experiences all of these in both casual and hurtful ways in his daily life in Japan.  It makes him question the nature of borders – what really makes you a citizen of a country, what does it take to belong?  His love story does not answer this question, but the tale of these two young people, and how they evolve in their thinking, will stay with you long after you finish.

We have plenty more suggestions for our Winter Reading Challenge.  You can find them here, or you can feel free to email me at   Read on!

Bookmarked! Winter Reading Challenge

Here is the latest episode of our reading recommendation show, Bookmarked!

To make it safer for all involved during these uncertain times, we filmed the episode via Zoom rather than in the studio.  It was not as glamorous, but we were able to properly socially-distance and you don’t have to try to understand us through our masks!

For this episode, we focused on titles for the Winter Reading Challenge.  We talk about selections that would fit categories such as Contemporary Black Authors, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Fairy Tales Retold, Climate Fiction, and Latinx Authors.  Plus, stick around to the end for a few additional reads in our Lightning Round!

We hope you enjoy the show!  And for those playing along, be sure to turn in your BINGO card by March 7th to be entered to win a prize!


The Real Librarians of Chelmsford

What is the best way to get to know a librarian?  By getting them to dish about books, of course!  Each month, we will introduce you to one of the librarians of Chelmsford Public Library.  This month, we talked to Maria Palacio, our new Assistant Director of Outreach Services.

Born and raised in northern New Jersey, Maria lived in Florida for 21 years before moving to the greater Boston area in December 2020. She earned her BA in English from Montclair State University in New Jersey and her MLIS from Florida State University in Tallahassee. Maria enjoys spending time with her husband, two adult sons, and two clingy dogs. She is an avid reader who enjoys trying new foods, cooking plant-based meals, baking treats, traveling, and going for walks.

We asked Maria…

What was your first library?

The first library I can remember is the one at my parochial school in urban northern New Jersey. The one-room school library was run by a retired couple who did their very best with the resources they had. The husband knew I was fond of the Nancy Drew series and saved any “new” copies for me. To this day, I do not know where the books came from as they weren’t brand new.  I imagine past students or parishioners paying it forward made it possible for us to have these books.


What is on your nightstand right now?

Loving Day by Mat Johnson

Dear Sweet Pea by Julie Murphy

The Lowells of Massachusetts by Nina Sankovitch (I am new to MA and wanted to know more about this family)

Destination Wedding by Diksha Basu




What book do you love to suggest to patrons?

I like to suggest literary fiction titles as that is the genre that I enjoy reading the most.

Who are your top five favorite authors? 

  1. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  2. Jillian Cantor
  3. Elizabeth Strout
  4. Isabel Allende
  5. Dani Shapiro

What book should be adapted into a movie, but hasn’t been yet?

The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson

 What book would you most like to read again for the first time? 

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Last book that made you laugh or cry (or both)?

I would say The Hours Count by Jillian Cantor. I ugly-cried myself to sleep at the end!

Why do you love being a librarian?

I love introducing readers of all ages to something new. I know this might sound cliché, but there is no greater joy for me than to expose someone to a book they might otherwise never have chosen to read.


While You Are Waiting…Books We Love

It’s February 1st and you know what that means!  Yes, it is Library Lovers Month and love is in the air here at CPL!  We know that you may be waiting for the latest bestsellers, but while you wait, we thought we would tell you about some books we truly love that might be on the shelf right now.

“I loved Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.  The fictional story introduced me to old Mexican traditions and a story where love and food were intricately and intimately intertwined.” – Maria, Assistant Director – Outreach Services

“The first book I loved was The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. I loved reading about the adventures of the titular hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, to a faraway land to help a group of exiled dwarves recover their lost gold from a dragon”. – Danny, Head of Reference

“Well, I have to pick Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.  Historical fantasy set in a nineteenth century England that used to have magic, and to which magic is now returning.  Filled with wry wit and wonderful footnotes.”  – Wes, Library Assistant

“My favorite love stories are Romeo & Juliet or The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.”  – Jamie, Library Assistant

“In third grade, my dream was to be a baseball player for the Red Sox, and I fell in love with a series I found on the shelves of my school library called Rookies by Mark Freeman, which chronicled the journey of three fictional players to the big leagues. My dream to play baseball might be over, but my positive memories reading those books still lives!”  – Sean, Head of Borrower Services

“A book I love is A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving.  I never meant to read it, let alone love it.  But my book group picked it and I am a dutiful book group member, so I read it and was surprised by my love for John and his best friend, Owen.  It is a story that will break your heart, but you will know that it was worth it.”  – Deanna, Readers Advisory

“I absolutely loved the book Untamed by Glennon Doyle.  She is so transparent and in tune with embracing your feelings and not trying to suppress them.  It was uplifting and fierce.  I loved it so much that I want to reread it to see if there is more to absorb.”– Melissa, Office Administrator

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott may be my favorite book of all time. It was the first long book I ever read, in 5th grade, and I instantly re-read it 4 times. I still pick it up and revisit the March sisters at least once a year.” – Marty, Youth Services Librarian

“One of the first books I loved was Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White –I still can’t believe it didn’t win the Newbery Medal the year it was published, it was robbed! This timeless children’s classic was great to read as a child and even better to share with my children and my grandchildren too. It is a wonderful read-aloud, succinct and beautifully told with rich language and humor. This story of friendship and acceptance, loss and hope, and the warmth of community changed forever the way I looked at spiders and their webs. It is Some Book!” – Becky, Library Director

“A book I love, that I love to recommend, is the entire Raven Boys series by Maggie Stiefvater. It’s a YA fantasy adventure in a modern setting about searching for truth and adventure, but it’s also about love between friends, finding family that accepts you, and, yes, some actual romance as well!”– Jeff, Marketing and Community Outreach Specialist

“A favorite love story is The Rosie Project  by Graeme Simsion. I really enjoyed this funny story of mismatched lovers who surprise themselves. Nice to see a very different kind of quirky leading man.” – Vickie, Assistant Director – Technical Services

“Here is my list of loves!  Hopscotch (Rayuela) by Julio Cortázar, Koala Lou by Mem Fox and illustrated by Pamela Lofts, and Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman.” – Laura, Reference Librarian

Winnie the Pooh! I loved the simplicity of a story of friendship and caring for one another.  The love between the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood, how they supported each other and focused on each other’s strengths to overcome issues and events as a group.  To me, Pooh is timeless but as our nation has so much strife and discord, I see the respect and love for the different characters as a lesson for us.  And there was always a celebration after, complete with a jar of honey!”– Heidi, Circulation

“I just recently reread Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo and remembered how much I love it.  There is a wonderful sense of love and community, the coming together of different people in a joyous, happy manner and the center of all if it is a dog, Winn-Dixie!  I love a book with a good dog character!” – Deborah, Youth Services

I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown is a current favorite. Austin Channing Brown tells her truth as a black woman of faith.  Over and over again, I was breathless, at her honesty, her eloquence, her passion, and her life examples of growing up black in a “world made for whiteness” – required reading for all!” – Lisa, Reference Librarian

We hope you read some of our favorites and love them as much as we do.  And next time you are in the library, be sure to tell us about the books that you love!  Happy Reading!