All posts by Brian Herzog

About Brian Herzog

Brian Herzog is the Assistant Director. View Brian's complete profile.

Temporary Closures on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail

Bruce Freeman Rail TrailThe Bruce Freeman Rail Trail behind the Chelmsford Mall, at Manahan Street in Chelmsford, will be closed at times during a two week period beginning August 1.

Demolition of the Town-owned building located on Katrina Road, adjacent to the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 1.

For safety considerations, including dust from the debris, the section of the rail trail adjacent to the building will be closed during portions of the demolition work. The closures will impact trail users wishing to use the section of trail between Manahan Street and Glen Avenue during the work week. This section is in the portion of the trail north of Chelmsford Center and south of the Route 3 terminus. The trail is expected to be open on weekends.

This is the section of trail that will be closed:

View Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Temporary Closure in a larger map

The building demolition process is expected to be completed within 7-14 days depending upon weather and site conditions.

For more information, contact:

Cynthia McLain
PO Box 202
Chelmsford, MA 01824

Chelmsford Telemedia Introduces Streaming Online Videos

Chelmsford TelemediaBack in May, Chelmsford Telemedia added a new feature to their website – online streaming versions of many of the programs you can see on the local cable station.

These can be accessed by visiting in your web browser. On the right, videos are grouped into categories:

  • Selectmen Meetings
  • School Committee Meetings
  • Planning Board Meetings
  • Government-Miscellaneous
  • Chelmsford Public Schools
  • Public Access Programming
  • Chelmsford Public Library

Cameraman MattTo view a video, click one of the categories and then scroll down the list of available videos and click on the one you’d like to see. There is also a search box at the top of the viewer to find videos by keyword.

In addition to recording various the governmental functions of the Town of Chelmsford, most of the programs held at the Library will be available here online (these are naturally our favorites). So if you missed a program at the library, a Selectmen meeting, one of the many Public Access shows, or just about anything else that happened in Chelmsford, you can watch (or rewatch!) it at your leisure here – for free, any time day or night. DVDs of each program at also available for $10 – contact Chelmsford Telemedia for details.

Come Work At The Chelmsford Jelly

Chelmsford JellyA Jelly is starting up at the Chelmsford Library!

What’s a Jelly?!
A Jelly is a casual yet organized assembly of people who choose to work in a social atmosphere – with other interesting and creative people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off.

The very first Chelmsford Jelly meets on Friday, July 15, 2011, from 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the Chelmsford Library’s meeting room. After that, it will meet on the third Fridays of each month, so plan your work-week accordingly.

Jellies are open to anyone interested in coworking/collaboration/being around other people while working. Bring your laptop or notebooks, art supplies or whatever you might need to get your work done, along with an open mind and a friendly disposition.

For more information on the Chelmsford Jelly, visit the library’s website or the Chelmsford Jelly meetup page.

For more information on Jellies in general, read about the first Jelly at, or in an article from Wired magazine.

2011 Chelmsford Farmers Market Opens Thursday, July 7th

Chelmsford Farmers Market logoThe Chelmsford Farmers’ Market is set to open another summer providing fresh and local produce and products to the Chelmsford area.

The Market will again be located on the Chelmsford Town Common every Thursday, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, from July 8 to October 6th, 2011.

Anyone interested in having their own tent at the Market, volunteering, or providing entertainment, please email You can also read more about the Market at, or at the Chelmsford Independent.

Search Tips for the New Evergreen Catalog

Evergreen logoThe new catalog is up and running! The first few days included a few glitches, but we’ve been getting great feedback from patrons (and staff!), and fixes and improvements should start appearing soon.

In the meantime, here are a few search tips – the new catalog is a little different from the old one, but it’s also much better.

Evergreen Catalog Search Tips

  • Enter your search words in any order. So, a search for compass golden gives the same results as a search for golden compass. Adding more search words gives fewer, and more specific, results
    • This is also true for author searches. Both David Suzuki and Suzuki, David will return results for the same author
  • Evergreen is also forgiving about plurals and alternate word endings, so if you enter dogs, Evergreen will also find items with dog
  • Do not use the word AND to join search terms
    • AND is automatically used to join all search terms. So, a search for golden compass will search for entries that contain both golden and compass
    • Boolean operators such as and, or, not are not considered special and are searched for like any other word. So, a search for golden and compass will not return the title golden compass. Putting it another way, there are no stop words that are automatically ignored by the search engine
  • Don’t worry about white space, exact punctuation, or capitalization
  • Search for an exact phrase using double-quotes. For example “golden compass”
  • Use * (asterisk) as a wildcard to truncate search terms, e.g. comp* golden may return the same results for compass golden and more
  • Exclude a term from the search, using – (minus) . For example, vacations –britain will search for materials on vacations that do not make reference to Britain

You can form more complex searches using the Advanced Search features. You can also click the Advanced button under the search box to build complex searches using Boolean operator OR to connect your terms.

Improving a Search With Few Results

If only a few hits were returned from your search, you may see some suggestions for expanding or altering your search at the bottom of the search results list. These alternate search terms are words that are similar to your search terms in spelling or sound. Selecting one of the links performs a search with the new search terms.
(Some material adapted from “Sitka Evergreen Training Manual“, Copyright © 2011 BC Libraries Cooperative)

Highlighted Features of the New Library Catalog

Evergreen logoOne of the advantages of the new Evergreen catalog is that it is built on open source software – that is, software that we have the ability to modify and develop, according to our needs.

When the new catalog launches on Tuesday, May 31st, that won’t be the end of the story. There will be some new features included in the new catalog that we’re excited about, but there are even more features scheduled for development this summer.

And the best part is that additional improvements are always in development – so if there is something you’d like the catalog to do, please let us know by emailing or calling the Reference Desk at 978-256-5521 x211.

New Catalog Features Available On Tuesday, May 31st

  • Expanded search tools, including the ability to limit to just fiction or non-fiction, by age range, and more
  • New “Did you mean…?” search suggestions, for searches with few or no results
  • Enhanced content for each book, including “if you liked this, you might also like” suggestions, series listings, similar author suggestions, reviews, excerpts, previews, and more (all from a variety of sources, conveniently gathered and presented in the catalog)
  • Customizable control of your account preferences, including saving which libraries you like to search, custom login passwords and usernames, options for hold notifications, and more
  • Ability to create multiple “bookbags” (previously called “My List”), and the ability to share your bookbags with others
  • RSS feeds for searches, so you can be notified when new items are added

“Coming Attractions” Launching Later This Year

  • Improvements to the overall design of the catalog
  • A version of the catalog that is mobile device-friendly
  • Ability to edit more of your contact information, including street and email addresses
  • An opt-in reading history, so you can track the books you’ve read and movies you’ve seen (or anything you’ve checked out)
  • Plus more!

If you have any questions about the new catalog, any of these features, or suggestions for additional new features, let us know!

The Chelmsford Public Library to Unveil New Catalog

Evergreen logoThis is our official press release for the catalog migration.

We’ll be posting additional details this week, but the new catalog is almost here – just seven more days!

The Chelmsford Public Library, along with 34 other libraries from the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC), will be launching a new catalog over Memorial Day weekend.

The new catalog is part of a move to the Evergreen open source library system. While giving more control to MVLC libraries over the features offered in their catalog, this move is also expected to save money for the library, primarily in annual service fees and upgrade costs.

In order to launch the new catalog on May 31st, 2011, the current catalog will be taken offline at the end of the day on Friday, May 27, to allow the migration to happen over the Memorial Day weekend. Patrons will be able to check out and return materials at the library during our regular weekend hours, but the catalog will be unavailable for searching and placing holds. Since the catalog will be unavailable, patrons wishing to borrow library material on Saturday, May 28th, should bring their library cards with them to the library. Also, the library will have a delayed opening on Tuesday the 31st – our hours that day will be 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

Answers to common questions about the new catalog and migration process are available at including concerns about existing holds and access to other library systems.

Any holds previously placed on materials should carry over to the new system. Patrons will find that their personally-created lists in the bookbags will be available in the “My Accounts” area of the new catalog.

Access to some online databases may be disrupted, and our connection to the state-wide Virtual Catalog will be shutdown Friday, May 20, and restored during the summer.

Library patrons will enjoy some new features with the Evergreen system, such as the ability to share their bookbags with others, more flexibility in creating user passwords, and the ability to update their street and e-mail addresses. Patrons will also have more flexibility and control over their catalog searches with the new system, including setting account preferences to search the Chelmsford Library only or MVLC as a whole. Coming attractions over the next few months include an improved catalog design, a feature allowing users to track their reading history and a version of the catalog usable on mobile devices.

The Merrimack Valley Library Consortium will be the first large library system in Massachusetts to use Evergreen. The move to Evergreen is part of a larger project that will see MVLC, along with two other Massachusetts’ library consortia, NOBLE and C/W MARS, using Evergreen by early 2012. These three library networks encompass approximately half of the public libraries in the Commonwealth along with a number of academic libraries. The project includes locally-sponsored development funded with a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and by participating libraries.

MVLC staff has already been active in developing enhancements to Evergreen. The staff has made changes to the software that have made it into the core Evergreen package. These changes include customizations to the patron registration form providing more flexibility to libraries operating in a consortium like MVLC; automatic staff client updates; an overhaul in the configuration of rules that control how long items circulate and improvements to staff client menus and toolbars. MVLC plans to continue contributing to the development of Evergreen in a way that will allow the software to best meet the needs of library users in Massachusetts.

For more information about the new Evergreen catalog please visit the Library’s website at or contact Library Director Becky Herrmann at or 978-256-5521, ext 100.

Questions and Answers about the New Library Catalog

Evergreen logoThe new catalog we’re getting at the library will look and act pretty differently from our current catalog – it’ll still have the same basic features and functions (and then some), but the links, buttons, and information will be in different places.

We’ll be posting how-to instructions for using the catalog soon, but we’re still getting a lot of general question about the migration process. We’ve compiled a list of common questions and answers, but here are a few of the most significant:

  • Why change – can’t we keep the old catalog?
    The Chelmsford Library is part of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, and we share our catalog with the other 35 MVLC libraries. The catalog we had been using, Horizon, was discontinued by SirsiDynix. After evaluating many options, MVLC chose to migrate to Evergreen as the catalog for all MVLC libraries.
  • When is this change happening?
    Migration to the new system is planned for the Memorial Day weekend. The current system will be taken down at the end of business on Friday, May 27th, and the new system will go live on Tuesday, May 31.
  • Will Service be Disrupted?
    Yes, there will be some interruption in our normal services. Libraries will be able to check materials in and out, but we won’t be able to search the catalog or place holds. Many databases and most electronic content, including Overdrive e-books and audiobooks, will also be unavailable. We will provide more specific information as the time draws closer.
  • What happens to all my holds and requests?
    MVLC staff have been working hard to make sure all patron data (names, contact info, requests, etc) is carried over to the new system. If you notice anything missing, please contact Brian Herzog, Head of Reference, at or 978-256-5521 x211.

Check out the full list of questions and answers so far. If you have additional questions, please contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.

A New Catalog is Blooming at the Library!

Evergreen logoThe Chelmsford Library will be changing to a new catalog on May 31st, along with the rest of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium. The new catalog, called Evergreen, will still contain all the books, movies, music, and other items in the libraries of the Merrimack Valley, but will also include new features and conveniences.

Although the launch isn’t until Memorial Day weekend, we’ll be posting information about the new catalog – including answers to common questions – at

Some common questions so far are:

  • Why change – can’t we keep the old catalog?
  • Will Service be Disrupted?
  • What happens to all my holds and requests?
  • Why did you spend money on a new catalog during these tough economic times?
  • Evergreen is “open source” – what does that mean?

Please check out the answers, and if you have any questions at all, please contact Brian Herzog, Head of Reference, at or 978-256-5521 x211.

Although development on the new catalog is still progressing, a demo version – for testing purposes only! – is available. Give it a try, and let us know what you think.

This is a major change for us – we’ve had our existing catalog for over 10 years. The new catalog is designed to continually upgraded and improved, so we expect more new features to be added after the launch, too!