All posts by Brian Herzog

About Brian Herzog

Brian Herzog is the Assistant Director. View Brian's complete profile.

Change to Library PIN/Password Coming Dec. 5th

Evergreen logoAs of December 5th, the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (including the Chelmsford Library) is going to implement a more secure password for your online library account. This means disabling the existing “PINs” from our previous system, and patrons will be prompted, when logging in, to create a new secure password.

Why are we doing this?
Information on what materials you have checked out, on hold, etc. is private data protected by state law. The current four-digit PIN does little to prevent a hacker from compromising your account information. They could also provide a hacker with a way to access and potentially damage the system itself.

Beyond this, we’ll be immediately introducing some new services, and next year we expect to introduce additional user services that will require us to retain more information about the materials you’ve previously checked out and placed on hold. We need to better protect your data in order to provide these services. After you update your password, you’ll also have the ability to update your e-mail address online and, if you wish, to choose a user name for your account other than your library barcode number.

Please Note: With the new system, a username other than your barcode number will work only for logging into the MVLC catalog. Any other services that currently require you to enter your barcode (databases, museum passes, etc.) will still require you to use your barcode for access.

What you’ll need to do
When you log into your account after December 5th, you’ll be automatically prompted to change your password. You’ll need to select a password that’s at least seven characters long and contains both letters and numerals. Once you make this change, you’ll be able to log into your account.

Should you forget your new password, you’ll still have the ability to update it online. Your library also has the ability to reset your password or to assign you a temporary password that will allow you to reset your password yourself online.

Access to the Virtual Catalog is Back!

At long last (although it’s only been a few months), library patrons can once again place requests in the statewide Virtual Catalog.

This functionality was lost when we migrated from our old catalog to the new Evergreen catalog, because Evergreen and the Virtual Catalog were not able to communicate properly. All summer, developers at the MVLC Central Site office have been working on restoring this communication, and after this weekend’s update, it’s finally back.

Here’s how connecting to the Virtual Catalog works in Evergreen:

At the bottom of every page, there is a Virtual Catalog link. You should still search the MVLC catalog first, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, click the Virtual Catalog link at the bottom of each catalog page (or contact the library).

Virtual Catalog link in the Chelmsford Library catalog

This will link you to the Virtual Catalog login page. On this page, first, use the dropdown box in the middle of the page to choose the library in which you’d like to pick up the item you are going to request. Second, enter your library card number into the box at right, and then click the Begin Searching the Virtual Catalog button.

Virtual Catalog login page

From that point on, searching and requesting in the Virtual Catalog works just like it did before – find the item you’d like, click the blue request button, and complete the form. You can also check your Virtual Catalog account to view the status of the requests you’ve placed through the Virtual Catalog.

We’re very happy to have this functionality restored. If you have any questions about the Virtual Catalog, or need help placing a request, please contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.

Paperback Book Sales in October, November, and December!

Book sale!This year has been such a phenomenal year for book donations, the Friends have decided to supplement the big annual book sale with periodic paperback book sales.

  • Dates:
    Saturday, October 29th
    Saturday, November 12th
    Saturday, December 10th
  • Time: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Location: Chelmsford Library lobby area
  • Price: 4 paperback books for $1.00

Be sure to stop by and check out the sales, and thank you for supporting the library!

Water Mains Being Flushed This Week

Chelmsford Water DistrictThe Chelmsford Water District will be flushing water mains in the Town Center beginning October 11th, between 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM. Flushing will continue on the nights of the 12th, 13th, and 18th.

The flushing will cause discoloration in the water, but the Water District will attempt to use water hydrants to alleviate discolored water before morning.

The Water District asks that residents check their water each morning to make sure it is running clear before they use it. Also, check your backflow device to be sure it is not leaking after the flushing.

Flushing beyond the Center is scheduled for October 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th, and 27th, between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

For more information, please visit or call the District Office at 978-256-2931.

2011 Annual Friends Book Sale is Another Success!

Book sale photoThank you to everyone who volunteered or shopped in the 2011 Friends of the Chelmsford Library Book Sale – you helped make it another successful year!

This year the sale raised almost $30,000!

This money is used by the Friends of the Library to fund library programs and speakers, our museum passes, electronic resources, and much more.

Dates for donation drop-offs for next year’s sale will be posted soon. Thank you again for all your support!

Photo courtesy of The Chelmsford Patch

Chelmsford Library Book Sale 2011!

Book sale!The annual Chelmsford Friends of the Library Book Sale is this weekend!

2011 Book Sale Dates and Times

Friday, Sept. 23th 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 24th 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25th 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The sale will take place in the gym behind the Town Office building, 50 Billerica Road, Chelmsford [see a map].

Run by the Chelmsford Friends of the Library, the book sale is a significant source of funding for library programming, museum passes and many extras for Chelmsford patrons – the 2010 Book Sale raised over $30,000!

For more information, visit or contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.

Chelmsford Spraying for West Nile Virus Tonight!

mosquitoMosquitoes in Chelmsford have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. In response, the Chelmsford Board of Health and the Central Mass Mosquito Control Project will be spraying in the Westlands area tonight (Wednesday, September 14th) between 7:30 p.m. and 11 p.m.

Be sure to read a few tips on staying safe during mosquito season, available at the Chelmsford Independent.

For additional information, contact the Chelmsford Board of Health at 978-250-5241.

Catalog Help: Frequently Asked (and Answered) Questions on Using the Catalog

Help DeskThe library’s catalog, called Evergreen, is shared by the 36 libraries that make up the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC). The Chelmsford Library and MVLC have created help pages that explain how to use the catalog, as well as highlight some of its features.

Catalog Help Topics

We’ll add more information to our Catalog Help page as it is developed.


If you have any questions or need more help with any aspect of the catalog, please contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.

Catalog Help: Using and Sharing Bookbags

Help DeskOne of the features of our new Evergreen catalog is the “Bookbag” function. This lets you create different lists within your account, so you can track or share your activity or interests.

You can create as many bookbags as you like, use them for whatever you like, and add as many items to them as you like.

Ideas for Bookbags

  • Books you’ve read, movies you’ve seen, etc
  • Books you’d like to read, movies you’d like to see, etc
  • Your Top Ten favorite movies, etc
  • Lists divided by genre (ie, mystery books, history books, etc)
  • List of items for other people (ie, books Mom would enjoy)
  • Wish list for gifts

For instructions on how to create, use, and share bookbags, visit our Catalog Help: Using Bookbags page – or, contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.

2011 Book Sale: Last Chance For Donations!

Book sale!The annual Chelmsford Friends of the Library Book Sale is just a month away, and the Friends are finalizing their inventory of donated items!

The last book sale drop-off day is Saturday, August 27th, from 9:00 AM – Noon.

Volunteers will be available in the parking lot of the Yellow House to help unload and provide receipts. If you can’t make that day, you can still use the Book Sale Donation box in the parking lot.

After this week, get ready for the book sale itself!

2011 Book Sale Dates and Times

Friday, Sept. 23rd 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 24th 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25th 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The sale will take place in the gym behind the Town Office building, 50 Billerica Road, Chelmsford [see a map].

For more information, visit or contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x211.